They like me! Oh no, they like me....


What are you willing to give, when your life is not enough?


  1. and that is the question of the hour, isn't it? They say the only way to save your life
    is to give it away........the only way to be satisfied is to meet the needs of others.....I know from experience that in order to give something away, you have to first be supplied with that thing. You can't give what you haven't first got.....and when you are depleted you have to go get filled up again. God made the world this way and humans this way, not to be independent but to need one another. I believe in synchronicity. All things work together even when they don't seem to. Life is a big puzzle and it's up to us to find all the pieces and put them together before anything really makes sense. The trouble is, most of us have so many missing pieces that Nothing makes sense.

    The truth is, most of us , including me, say, how can I help anyone else when I have nothing myself? and the answer is, if you have nothing, then give that in love and you will receive something in return and it will grow.........It makes no sense in this world but it does in God's. For only He can take nothing and make something out of it.

    1. All of those are very nice thoughts. But for my fath it's a simple answer. And it permeates everything I do and say. I sent it to you to see what sheet you are on.


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