They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Half-life of unrequited

My unrequited love has a half-life that stretches beyond my life. What will it become after my shell has expired?

I mourn for I shall not live long enough to feel my unrequited love diminish and for me to know a moment without the pain. I pity what happens to it once I can no longer give it comfort.

Can you tell me that it will be better off alone and unrequited? By definition I am all that it has. Like a child abandoned, in time I will leave it to wander unwanted.

Will any of you adopt it? Will you hold it to you and reassure it that it is not forgotten? Should old acquaintance be forgotten and never brought to mind?

All life is not precious. Is not beautiful. Is not blessed. My unrequited love will live beyond me. I was not blessed to have it. Neither thinks it precious. None look upon it and say beauty. It is not covered in religious text as blessed.

I mourn for it is born of the compassionless, heartlessness, thoughtlessness, shortsightedness, of another.

I mourn. For the heat of it, is that of a sun. Days numbered in thousands. Years numbered short of a millennium.

I mourn for it is left to me, to not throw it to the sea. Where it will fester as a pit of anger and resentment. Left to me to find another hand to hold, to heal it. A task I find I no longer have the strength to Quest. Nor will to hope.

I mourn for at it's birth I knew it would be my end.


  1. Very happy to hear reply from celebrities like you!

    1. I am like Shakespeare performing to an audience of one. I have your complete attention. You have my complete performance!

  2. LOL...If real Shakespeare starts own blog,he also get same fate .
    just one or two audience.
    Because this is the playground
    of social media. So always I request you to do that.
    You should get accepted by people since you are talented.

    Current world never chase for talented person.But they accept talents only when performed in front of them.We can't change their attitude ..

    1. This is true. When are you forgetting then I'm already on a social media site? And you are one of my few readers. So in this case I guess it would be "tried and done." I would be no more accepted there than I am here on Google. Then I guess in a way that's okay. I never thought I would be. I was pleasantly surprised by people like you. Which goes to prove even in the darkest of times there are moments of sunlight.

  3. I have always got your points my friend. I know how one get hurts by social media.
    Due to the same reason, even my profile is not clear....
    But I bet you will again get people who surprises you.
    Remember we met just a year ago in a social media.
    There are millions of people here in our world. will see different kind of people again. .that again give many experience s,may be positive,may me negative...whatever it will be...face it!LOL.


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