They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Save a life. Turn out the light.

Save a life, turn out the light.
You wouldn't like what the light reveals. To see with your own eyes the things that steal. To see exactly what it is you ate in your last meal.

Be a friend don't defend.
For once stand up and tell the truth. Don't change into a costume in some telephone booth. They might just be friend, but friend not necessarily righteous.

Give a hoot don't pollute.
In the silence don't fill the air with every word from your brain without a care. If words from your mouth can't sustain then give a hoot and refrain. Trust that the silence won't make you insane.

All that glitters isn't gold.
Of course she's pretty. But her beauty is sold. In every commercial and movie till she gets old. Of course his smile can charm a snake. And that's exactly what you'll end up with if with him you wake.

You say you are, but are not kind.
You talk the talk but never knew the path to walk. Good deeds you claim but acts, not any. You had a dollar, but gave a penny. You're fat in greed but in good deeds you're skinny.

The one who ran to Marathon died.
I knew a man who rushed to tell his message. He told it before they were ready to hear it. The message died. I know a messenger who walked and took his time. And when he told it, they had waited for it. And they drank it in and savored every word.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
We've all done our deeds in the dark. Even in a solar flare our skeletons are in a closet so dark that light has no word. Even while we claim to see each other's dark deeds, we unto our very hearts believe our actions secret. Our battles righteous. Our words pure. Our loves priceless. Our deeds angelic. Our news urgent.

To this I say, my time wasted. 
Save a life. Turn out the light.


  1. interesting and unique.......

    1. The biggest question I ask myself on your replies used. Does she really understand what I mean? Does she see the other meanings.


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