They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Happy Thought

If I have a happy thought I hug and squeeze and keep it taut.
Just to have a happy thought deep inside it's all I want.

To have one bright thought to hold dear. To love, to cherish to hold near.

Few happy thoughts for me to have. Just angry hateful make me mad. No one bright thought for me to hold. Just bitter nonsense utter cold.

I lost my job. I lost my pension. And other things too numerous to mention. I've saddened my voice, corrupted my host. Gone off on trips to the coast.

I stand on cliff with rocks below, trying to pick the time to go. No one loves me I should go. Why I stay I'll never know.

Just to have a happy thought. But deep inside it's all for naught.

For darkness. For despair. For me.


  1. Is this a cry for help? or a poem about a cry for help?
    Or a blog page about a poem about a cry for help
    that's merely a blog page to interest but not necessarily
    to infer the author needs help or would even bother
    crying out for help because he doesn't think anyone
    would care enough or be interested in his cry for help, per se
    or even in reading his blog page, per se about this so called
    could-be-true-cry -for-help or could-be-just-a-blog-page-
    about-a-cry-for-help-that-may-or not-be-legitimate or is
    in fact, a pretty good piece of poetry? If you can figure out what
    the real question is, please respond with a real answer or a
    reasonable facsimile, thereof.........

    1. Lol
      All of the above. And with your comment so much more.
      An anonymous comment. Which allows the commentor to maintain a distance. An unsocial social distance. But yet still ask a very social personal question. Thereby giving the individual an anonymous cloak to walk away from any answer they don't wish to deal with. A beautiful shining example of why I don't go on social media.

      But I do thank you for the comment anyway. But being honest, all of the above is a true answer. This is a repost and all of the things that you mention are the reasons why I wrote it. And reposted it. Thank you


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