They like me! Oh no, they like me....



I think that I shall never see a place that I can sit and pee. A place to pee that's just for me. Yes that's a place I shall never see. I once had a place to stand around, and in that place I played a clown. Then to a place to jump around where never did I wear a frown. From town to town that I have been, some Motel 6, some Village inn. I've been to places just for an hour just enough time to plant a flower. From White Tower to Hobbit Shire. Some cold dungeon with no hot fire. With band of gypsy I did play, but they wouldn't let me stay. I went to a mall to have a ball. Was I comfortable? No, not I at all. I had friends but not many. Did I tell you my daughter reminds me of Penney? Her boyfriend I swear is Kylo Ren. He won't get the joke, too bad for him. I watch the stars in outer space. It's soo empty so much waste. What's it all mean? All the things that I've seen? I could write them down. Cover them, keep them clean.
In my time left I reflect, drink tea. I shall never have a place to sit and pee.

From the people that brought you number #1 "Don't forget about us we came first!"


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