They like me! Oh no, they like me....

The Shawshank delusion

Andy Dufresne was my friend. Maybe the best friend I ever had. Definitely the only friend I truly ever had. He always told me that as mad as a person can get is when they'll be judged by what they say to you.

Andy Dufresne never cursed me. But he did get mad at me. And he would shake his fist and proclaim my sins to the wind! But then Andy would just exhale and tell me this will pass. He would just point at me and tell me to let it.

Andy never promised things will get better for me. He never said that good times were promised to anyone. He just said that no one should go through any times alone. Andy would always tell me never trust someone who didn't understand that.

Andy Dufresne is gone now. I miss my friend Andy. He was an anchor in the sun and the rain. You could always trust that he was trusting in you. That he would never curse you no matter what you did. And if their were things that he chose not to say he continued to not say them.

Andy can't write from where he is now. But if he could I know he would tell me. "Things are gonna be what things are gonna be. Find people who'll be there after they've been." Yeah, Andy kind of liked to keep it simple. But even when I didn't follow his words, they just kind of waited on you to come back to them.

Andy never really did have much in this life. But he seemed to have more then he knew what to do with. Once when I was crying, he just sat next to me. And when I was done, he just got up and walked away. I never heard him say or ask anything, ever. It's like he gathered up my pain from the floor. And carried it away with him, so no one else would see it cluttering up the place.

I miss my friend Andy Dufresne. I hope there's something else after this, because I could really use a friend.


What! What's going on? Did I fall asleep in front of the TV again? Oh, Shawshank Redemption. That really was a good movie. So why am I crying?


  1. A beautiful and moving tribute. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like Andy.

    1. Thank you. Yes, we should never have to dream of an Andy


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