The cold reality of acceptance

But everything in me cries out to not face this again. What's worse to face it this time alone. Oh how my demons will plague me! To once again pay for a sin unknown. To once again look for strong right hand as I opened the door and be disappointed by the absence. No right hand. To know the Angels and spirits absent. To know that in a dark hour I must face it. I must open that door. I must face those three words again.

I must gather my strength. I must walk head high to the gallows. I must grab the handle with acceptance. It is my destiny to open this door again. And if it is the will...

There is no more ice-cream!!!!
Fade to black.................
I accept this Academy award for most dramatic acting. And I'd like to think all of you for making it possible. But remember no applause just throw money.
Photos and art by
Carlos Labrador
Jason Leonti
D Rogale
Poem by
a particularly strange and sick individual.
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