Weightless, Wise and Free
Don't carry other people's chains, he said. Don't carry around your own chains. Holy mother of Christmas trees!, what chains I have!
You must be free, he said. The most important thing is your wisdom, he said. By the wisdom of the whispering oak freedom is an illusion!
I was taught to carry the chains of others. But I can put them down. I have come to carry great chains of my own. I can find a way to put them down.
I don't know what it means to be free. But I see the illusion all around me. I have always known that I am wise. But it is difficult to see that as important.
By the great falling leaves of change, I must. Days after he spoke others chains were dropped. Days later my chains were dropped. By the wisdom of the chocolate covered grasshopper the freedom illusion was resisted.
Free. I'm free! The chains that I own are easier to pick up than down. But I am wise enough to know I can always put them down again. But the chains of others are dropped into the abyss of bliss.
I still may never sleep. But I no longer search for rest.
My list is long. My time is short. But by the lofty lips of chapstick, it's high time that I start to tell people to Kiss My Ass!
hmmm interesting.......