They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Good 11?

The Midichlorians in my brain are acting up again. They always told me I would be the one to bring balance to the force. Then the next thing I learned is they're shutting it all down. So they've just gotten together and decided to do a countdown. Busy little fellows aren't they?
Is it good? 11
It's 11 days out. Is it good, 11?

11 drops of rain stain, my window pane.
Good 11? I wouldn't know. If I plant 11 seeds no flowers would grow.

11 party guest, all the rest left.
If it were good 11 oh, my friends would know. Wouldn't they show?

11 pigs feet, of which I do not eat.
Speaking of good 11 wouldn't also be 12 and 10? If 11 is good wouldn't they all win?

11 parting words, spoke on wings of birds.
Good day 11 but not good night. Only 11 more if I counted right.

11 shots to take. No misses to make.
Good 11 comments made hundreds of bad. Lead to cancellation, how sad.

11 dirty glance, no innocence no chance.
Good 11 write till you wink out of sight. No more teachers, no more books, no more Google dirty looks.


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