They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Significant Other

What is it you think a significant other is? What are the requirements? What are the limits? What are the rules?

I've known others. They were significant in my thoughts. They were significant in my heart. The memories are significantly persistent. The lost is unquantifiably significant. The lengths that I would go to are significant.

To the best of my knowledge none of the others are doing better without me. But they all consigned to do without me. What does this say about my others? What does this say about me? That the people who are significant to me, that I am not significant to them. And that any hardships are better faced without me.

What does it mean to lose a significant other? Do the people who try to lift you up know how much significance you lost? Do the people who got over their significant others truly believe that yours was the same significance? Do people think that individuals of significance are easy to find?

Was I born to have a significant other? Or do I just really want one? Or is it that after having one that was truly significant that life holds very little significance without? How is it that I can find such significantly unique individuals only to have them disagree? Is there something significantly different about the word other? Is being an other so dramatically different than being me?

When two become one is it because they're significantly bonded? Of a connection so unique that the other becomes one? Then wouldn't that union be significant? If it was truly significant the other wouldn't be able to separate. Then maybe they weren't truly significant.

I am at a loss. I think of myself as significant, but not being anyone's other. I cannot get over the significance of my loss. I cannot bear the task of searching for an other. Nor do I think an other will arrive that is suitably significant. I had what I thought was significant. And in that other it was beautiful. Not perfect but significantly different than the ordinary and beautiful.

Why do I feel like I've had a significant other if they were never significant at all?


  1. Hi James,

    Your Poem Entitled, 'Significant Other' Raised Some Very Interesting & Important Questions For Your Readers!

    Here Are Some Synonyms For the Word 'Significant'... (To Satisfy My Constant Craving For Words):

    Important, Considerable, Momentous, Essential, Great, Decisive, Critical,
    Determining, Chief, Paramount, Primary, Foremost, Principal, Major, Big,
    Consequential, Influential, Marked, Salient, Imperative, & Of Great Consequence.

    #1) Do These Words Above Adequately Describe Your Feelings For Your 'Special Someone'?

    #2) Will You Be a Happier Man 'With' or 'Without' Your Love Playing an Active Role in Your Daily Life?

    #3) Do You Think That Being a Faithful, Romantic Partner is Important in a Good Relationship?

    #4) Do You Believe That Both Individuals in This Couple Are Equal... Yet Separate Partners ?

    #5) Do You Believe That a Good Marriage Includes Accepting Each Other For Who He/She Is Today?

    #6) Do You Believe That Forgiveness is a Very Important Value to Honor & Practice in Your Relationship?

    #7) Do You Believe That Couples That Are 'Best Friends' Make The Best Relationships?

    #8) Do You Think That You Are a Good Partner in Romantic Relationships? (If So...Why?)

    #9) Do You Want To Wake Up Every Morning & Receive a Kiss & Hug From Your Love?

    #10) Are You In Love Right Now... As We Speak?


    2. LOL I actually have answers to those questions. They were never a mystery to me. They seem to be a mystery to my significant others. Hypersensitive people are always in love with something. That doesn't mean something is in love with them.

      There are interesting answers to your questions but I have to know a whole lot more before I say an answer to the universe in an open forum. LOL

      1 the description above is but a drop any pocket as compared to the ocean. But as good as anywhere else to start. If you're just dealing with the definition of significant. Lol

      2 without an active role in one's life it negates the definition of significant. Diesel fuel is a significant part of this truck. Any day without it is a disaster if you plan on operating the truck.

      3 being any of those things on number three are god-awful important. But the level to which someone can attain them depends on their upbringing and moral beliefs. A pimp can have a good relationship with his girls even though he's none of those things if that's what they both want.

      4 experts have ruled this a fantasy a long time ago. There is no equal. Her life means more to me than mine. I am stronger I am faster I am a lot of things better than her. But I cannot do better without her. In the simple fact that she breathes air she is my Superior. Any mistakes I make along those lines or ones that haunt me forever. There is no equal. I am what I am and I can do what I do. She is what she is and she does what she does. No matter what I am I can't be me without her. Significant easily stated for me means everything.

      5 the experts have also ruled this a faults myth. Before you meet someone you have a single mentality. You don't know what she likes and what she doesn't like because you don't know her. I could learn to like cruise ships because of. I learn to speak differently because of. In short I'm not the person I was before. And I liked what I turned into. Much like cultivating a tree to become a bonsai tree. It becomes something else. The Creator did not keep it as it was. But he found how it needed to grow shaped and molded and came up with a new thing. But it has to be a guided change by both sides I wanted change.

      7 best friends should make the best relationships. It's been my experience that best friends are blind. Always seeking something else and never knowing what stands in front of them. I once had a close friend why I asked out to dinner. Everyone thought we were a couple already. It never occurred to either one of us until it occurred to me. I asked her out to dinner which we had done before and I got laughed at. Needless to say downhill from there.

      8 I love to answer this one but unfortunately the proper security clearances have not been issued and I've been informed by the Secretary of State those are State secrets. LOL

      9 No

      10 No

      Now a question for you since I'm honest if nothing else let's see if you can match it. And this says a lot about character

      Who are you? And why the questions?

  2. Hi Again James,
    My Q's Above Are Just 'Food For Thought' For Ya... * :-)
    (Thoughts From a Female's Perspective on 'Significant Others')
    Thanks Again For All of Your Thoughtful & Honest Poems & For Listening To My Thoughts!!
    I Appreciate You James Ray!!

    1. LOL but not all females. Oh how I wish. The human beings are always flawed in some way or fashion. And people misguided about what they want and what they can see are always the most dangerous. Because they think they're doing the best they can. When in reality they're doing the best they feel like doing. In the relationships that I have given everything that I have my significant others were looking for something flashy and material. They could not see heart they could not feel soul even when it was wrapped around them. Anytime I've lost a relationship like that at some point they come back and apologize. Which they think they're making amends. What they fail to see is that it kills me. Because you can't turn back the clock.. and I can't get back to Heart. And pain causes change. And I can't get back the person I was then. They killed him. And then return to me because they only just now realize that there a murderer.

      I've never been cheated on by a man so I wouldn't know how that feels. I've really been betrayed by men. But I've heard women whine and cry that they want someone who is true. What they actually wanted someone who was perfect flashing and straight out of a TV show. They wouldn't know true if it walked up and ran them over with a 18-wheel truck.

      They say if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger. Well, I'm going to go bench press a building. LOL

  3. James... I Was Smiling The Whole Time That I Was Reading Your Responses!!* :-)

  4. Especially Your Answer To #8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bwahahahahahahahah!!!!!* :-)

  5. "Now a question for you since I'm honest if nothing else let's see if you can match it. And this says a lot about character

    Who are you? And why the questions?" (James Ray, March 29, 2019)

    Question #1)

    My Name is Cynthia Boss. I am 47 Years Old & Divorced, I Have Blonde Hair, Blue Green Eyes, and I'm 5 Foot 2 Inches Tall.

    I have been a Teacher of both Teenagers & Adults for Over 20+ Years and I Have a Master's Degree in Education.

    I Have 2 Kids, 2 Grandkids and 5 Cats. (I Know... He,he,he)

    My Astrological Sign is Gemini.

    My Favorite Quote Is : " The Key To Happiness is Gratitude" * :-)

    I Love Showing Other People How Wonderful & Unique They Are... Every Single Day!!!

    My Religion is Kindness. (Yes... It's A Quote From the Dalai Lama But It Captures My Religious/Spiritual Beliefs Perfectly)
    (Note -- As a Child, My official Religion was Protestant.)

    Lastly (For Now)... I Live My Life Through My Heart!! * :-)

  6. Here's One of My Favorite Songs!!!!!

  7. Please Send Me One Of Your Favorite Songs James Ray... * :-)

  8. O... My Teaching Style Is One That Includes Both Education And Motivational Speaking In Each Lesson!!* :-)

  9. "Here is My Heart... Waiting For You" (Yes -- 'Love Will Find a Way')
    Gosh... I Just Love That!!* :-)

    1. LOL if you seen some of my writings they are tour of my favorite songs. Do me a favor and check your G+ real quick.

  10. OOOPs!! Hi James. (Can You Tell That I Don't Visit My Page Too Often??)

    "There is Only One Happiness in Life... To Love & Be Loved.... And It is the one that matters the most" (James Ray) * :-)

  11. Replies
    1. Yes... In My Post To You Above This One... I Added Your Message as Part of the Quote!!* :-)

      Here It Is James:

      "There is Only One Happiness in Life... To Love & Be Loved.... And It is the one that matters the most" (James Ray) * :-)

    2. LOL no. I meant go to my profile and at the top you should see a message that only you can see. LOL

    3. LOL feel free to use it whenever.

  12. PS
    Is #7 A Difficult Q To Answer? Or Did You Accidentally Omit It? (He,he* :-)

  13. Ooooops... I Meant Number 6!!!

    1. 6 is very important. But it must be a true request for forgiveness and attrition. They have written on the proper steps for forgiveness. But it seems most people think that just because they say forgive me that's all they have to do. You should see some of the apologies that I've done. Restitution admittance acceptance are harder steps then most people would admit to

  14. It's Better To Behave Correctly/Honestly in The First Place!!!

    1. That would be in a perfect world. But even the people at the best of intentions make the worst of mistakes. Even you have been witness to that right here. Virtue is not in exactly what we do it is how we react when it doesn't go the way that we thought. Everybody makes mistakes it's how we correct those mistakes that Define us

  15. Yes!! I Find That If I React From My 'Ego'... Then I Tend To Make Mistakes.

    However... When I Stop... Think... & Then Look into My Heart Before Reacting... I Make Better Choices .

    1. And on that note I want you to know that I'm using voice recognition software when I type. It doesn't always get the words right and I don't always check. So I'd like to head off as many misunderstandings as I can. Because they tend to go into very nasty places

  16. And... To The Man That's Typing These Messages To Me Tonight...

    I Am Sorry If I Have Hurt You In Any Way. (Note - Letting Me Know The Actual Behavior That Hurt You Would Really Help Me To Prevent Engaging in Any Future Behaviors That Would Cause You Pain Too)

    1. And why would you say that? Typically anytime somebody hurts me I tell them. And if they do it by accident I don't hold them responsible.

      This is why I kind of insist on hearing someone's voice. Deceptions are far too easy to perpetrate in texting. And it's fear of someone's voice is that strong then communication or friendship can't really exist in that kind of fear.

  17. It's 2 Thirty in the Morning... So I'm Off To Bed Soon.
    Good Night My Friend.

    1. Okay. You wouldn't happen by chance to live in Arkansas?

    2. Very interesting to read dear friends
      . .
      beautiful post+James Ray


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