They like me! Oh no, they like me....

What's a Superman to do

Something broke and my cup runneth over. From my past like the voice of Lois Lane, she's in trouble. She needs my help. But like Lucy with the football it'll only get yanked out from under me. It wouldn't be the first time.

Emotions are such troubling boogers. To feel the need of another but have that same other too dense to know it too. I toss and turn with her name on my mental tongue. What do you do when you're sworn to protect in an age where no one swears? You feel loyal at a time when there is no such thing. You feel heroic when that's only in a movie with Robert Downey jr. You feel like a knight and that's only another word for dark.

How many times can you rush to save a damsel only to have her choose her oppressor? How many times can you choose someone who chooses to ignore you? It's time to let Lois face her consequences. But then how do I answer the heart that won't let me sleep?

With great power comes great responsibility. I think Uncle Ben got that out of a fortune cookie. How do I learn to ignore male intuition? And what kind of person will I become when I do? There is no expectation for my participation. There is no mandate for me to relate. There is no state to compensate. So I guess the only answer it's for me just stay the course and contemplate.

The lack of action causes guilt. Guilt becomes the anchor to consciousness. Action leads to failure. Failure becomes the anchor to depression. She's in trouble. She needs help, just not from me.

No good deed goes unpunished. So I guess I stop doing good deeds.


  1. Hmmmmm... When I Hear The Word 'Gut Instinct'... It Always Reminds Me That Perhaps That's One Way That God Is Talking With Us & Guiding Us Towards a Particular Decision.

    What Do You Think James Ray?

    1. I think that at times you are absolutely right.
      The only problem is sometimes it can be corrupted by our inner desires and fears.

  2. Yes... The 'Corruption' in My Opinion... Is Caused By Listening to the 'Devil's' Temptations.

    1. Sometimes that is true. But we do give the devil far too much credit. Sometimes it's just us.

    2. That's okay. I'm just tickled pink that you replied at all.

    3. Thank You James Ray. Perhaps I Tend To 'Oversimplify' My Perspectives Sometimes in My Writing... But We Are All Different and Unique & We All Have Varying Strengths & Abilities... Right?

    4. James Ray... I Wonder If You'd Allow Me To Comment On Your Recent Interaction With Voo Voo??

    5. LOL I laugh when I say this. Go ahead I can take it I'm sitting down.

    6. Hmmmmm... Well I Have Sort of a Bird's Eye View Because I Do Not Know Either One of You.

      It Seems As Though Ms. Voo Voo Feels a Special Positive Connection With You James Ray (Of Course... Why Wouldn't She? * :-)

      I Believe That When She Read Your Poem, "Why Doesn't God Love Me Anymore?"... She Heard a Cry For Help From You Through Your Poem.
      (I Believe That Was Voo Voo's Interpretation of Your Poem... Even If It Was NOT The Meaning That You Intended When You Wrote Your Poem)

      Since Ms. Voo Voo Certainly Appreciates Your Perspectives, Intelligence, Ideas, Poetry, Sense of Humor, Creativity Etc ... I Believe That She Reached Inside Her Own Heart & Looked For a Way To Help You Through Your Pain In Her Own Unique Way.
      This Feeling of Wanting To Ease Your Pain.. Manifested As Her 'Poem From God to You'.

      Perhaps Her Poem (Which Was Well Written in My Opinion) Didn't
      'Hit The Mark' Perfectly in Your Eyes... But No One is Perfect.

      I Believe That She Truly & Honestly Wanted To Give You a Great Big Hug... In The Form of Her Loving Poem To You... To 'Show You' How Wonderful You Are ... In Response to Your Question, "Why Doesn't God Love Me?"

      Thanks For Listening To My Thoughts James Ray.



    7. Yes I get that. I guess the part that no one understood is that the weren't unanswered questions. At the bottom it says God's words redacted. Which was my way of saying he answered I'm just not going to post what he said.

      There are things that remain unsaid about my life that I will not post in plain English. Besides it's more fun to write cryptically and see who has the wisdom to figure it out.

      As I wrote I apologize for my part of the misunderstanding. So when someone can crafts their total 100% Innocents that tends to give me a red flag. When someone can say that they did not hurt you because that's what they want that's a little one-sided.

      Whether you hurt someone or not is not dependent on your opinion. That is something that can only be saved by the other person. And when you deny that you deny that the other person matters. That is just one of the things that you did.

      You are a good example of part of what I'm talkin about. You asked me whether I wanted to hear it. And you did that because my permission mattered. And I answered yes because your opinion is valid whether I agree with it or not.

      And for the record I agree with a lot of it maybe even all of it.

      I have received my chastisement for my part of it all. And as long as I remember my lessons God will refrain from slapping me on the wrist anymore. (L o l Fat Chance of that happening LOL)

      Thank you for taking the time. And taking the chance. We all know how easy it is to get burned on the internet

    8. HI James Ray,

      Thanks For Listening To My Thoughts on Your Recent Interaction With Voo Voo.

      I Believe That 'Miscommunication' Happens ALL Day... Every Day.
      Each One of Us Thinks About Situations Differently. (Especially Men VS Women Thinking)

      Therefore, When We Communicate (Especially Online)... We Must Always Be Aware That Much is 'Lost In Translation". Besides, Words Could Never Truly Express All That's In Our Minds & Hearts... Right?

      For The Record James Ray... I Am Truly Sorry If I Have Ever Hurt You In Any Way, Shape or Form. I Hope That You Can Find it in Your Heart To Forgive Me.

      I Promise To Be More Aware of All Of My Future Words & Actions... & Think Deeply About How They Could Potentially Negatively Affect You in Any Way Before I Speak or Take Any Action Again.



    9. Unless your name is Voo you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I agree with most of your words. And probably all of your intent. If she had done as much the other half of the problem would have been solved. Humility is something that must be practiced. Remorse it's something that must be felt.

      I hate miscommunication which is probably why I try to write so well. But it happens. And it is the measure of what we individually truly are and how hard we work to undo those misunderstandings.

      As I said you took a chance by speaking. Most people play spectator for fear of being attacked. Thank you for taking a chance.

  3. (((James Hugs)))

    1. LOL I love that song! I have that album on CD at home! You are so evil. Because now I have to log on to Amazon and buy it because I have to have it right now! LOL

  4. You're Funny James Ray!! * :-)
    It Is Indeed a Great Song... A Very Powerful Song Filled with 'Cryptic Messages" * :-)

    1. I know right! That's one of the reasons why I love it so much. But I hadn't thought about it in Forever! Thank you! But you are aware you just cost me $2 LOL

    2. Hmmmm...
      I Believe That It Was.. Your Heart That Encouraged
      You To Purchase The Song!!* :-)

  5. And... As The Saying Goes:
    "Follow Your Heart But Take Your Brain With You" * :-)

    1. True but in true human fashion I prefer not to take the blame for this one. LOL

    2. I Understand Completely James Ray* :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Not really this is just a Blog. More like a diary that has poetry in it written by one person. And open to the public to read

  7. Whatever it will be,sometimes you have won in the Eliot style of intelligence of modern poetry, may be in poetry form or may not.
    At first sight, reader feels stream of consciousness fails in words.
    But on a second thought, just reverse feeling .

    Here one of our modern poet wrote..
    "I am looking
    a coconut tree
    through my window.
    My coconut tree.
    My window. .
    My eyes..
    Why do you question? "
    Loll..Senior poets throw stones up on him at Literature Academic hall via media.
    But in reality poet's coconut tree was a political revolution or a lover.
    And it is sure, in one or another way stream of consciousness have won in modern, especially in recent poetry.

    Language is beautiful when it follow syllable system, rhyme and alliteration; but rhythm of heart is the ultimate factor and you are a real winner in that context.
    The reason is your rhythm and each impulse rest in the heart of readers like us..
    Doesn't matter! poem or poetry or verse or poetic dramma. ..
    even short stories may be....
    Ha..ha..We are your big fan!

    1. Thank you that was truly nice. And very well laid out.

      But I do have a question. Why do you always say we like it? Are you speaking for other people where you are?

  8. Lollll...
    By the term 'we' ,I meant your readers here in online.
    It is pretty sure, I am not only the one who feels in that way.

    1. You have always flattered me with your praise. But alas not as many people as you would think.

      If others felt half as much as you I'd probably be living in Hollywood filling my mind with mind-altering substances and being as trifling and as fake as the rest of the people who live there. LOL but that in no way means I don't appreciate the fact that I know your compliments are heartfelt.

  9. My friend. ..
    I usually appreciate all the writings of all people. But I always chase for two of them.
    No doubt, one is you;and I think you know another person. ..
    You people 's work are my little oxygen. I thoroughly enjoy poems.So it is my selfishness behind that appreciation. ..Lolll..

    If people not enough appreciate your work, it is not their problem.That is the problem of understanding. .
    First of all they should study a man called James Ray .

    When I saw your post ,first time in 2018 February (I think it was....I hate presidents. ....)
    I was also in their path.
    Even though I liked your work, I was not aware about your talents and views on life..
    I don't know anything completely about you till now..
    But this personal diary should be noticed by everyone!

    1. I am far too black to blush. But if I could I would. I do not say this lightly but I do not deserve to have a fan like you. But I wish I had a hundred nevertheless.

      And to think that I started putting my words up to be a diary for my children to read. Little did I know I would gain a daughter in a Faraway country. Thank you so much

    2. Not long as you are my son,how I can be a daughter.
      But I accept that post since you gave it me gladly. .
      Lollll....once I called a senior man from British Colombia ..just initialized a talk by calling 'papa'..
      Result was horrible because he was childless and was suffering great pain in it.He had fear in developing such an emotional relationship with a person who live in a faraway country.
      He told he don't want to see my comments in his post anymore....

      But if people are ready to accept me ,I am very glad in it.

      And thank you...

    3. LOL that's why say what I say to other people texting on the Internet is ripe with misunderstandings.

      But if you're a woman yes you can be my daughter. If you are man then okay you're my son. And if you're older than me.....

      Look here Mom you didn't get me anything for my birthday. Come to think of it I haven't gotten anything from you for several holidays! Now don't sweat it just send money lol

  10. Even a sincere daughter or son can't love their father always. They have their own life and problems with the generation complexes. But a sincere mother can fill your days and nights with love , prayers and wishes!
    LOL. Money. ...He ...He
    I just sent it.Check your account update.


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