They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Blue screen of death

My life won't reset! Oh, Blue Screen of Death has come for me. It holds me tight and won't let go.

Load Windows, enter. Load Optimism, enter. Load Hope, enter. Restart... error!

The number to tech support has long ago been disconnected. My model is out of date and obsolete.

Delete all, reformat. Load point of view, enter. Load viral deceit protection, enter. Load belief drivers, enter. Restart... error!

My life won't reset. All the pieces work. all the components are there. But it won't restart. It looks like it'll be nothing more than a paperweight at this point.

Copy paste lines of code from one section to another. Patch algorithms on top of each other. Reallocate memory blocks manually. Disable all outside ports to the network. Reset modem, reassign password. Restart... Error!!

I'm lost. I give up. My life won't reset. I didn't have a backup. Not even an old image file to reload. I can't go back to a previous set date because I don't know when it went wrong. I want to cry but I don't have the drivers loaded for that. So I laugh and LOL!!! I'm too broken to even be broken.

My phone beeps, it's a message. From the developer? Who? What?

"Cast Your Love upon the waters of the pond and I shall make it an ocean. So that you may know a larger bounty from which to catch. So vast no storm corners you and you'll always believe a way to calmer seas. So deep that your sorrows will never force you to run aground. The sun to show you warm at day and the stars to show you the way at night. You are most in communion when you are most alone. Cast.."

Damn spam call! Delete.

My life won't reset. Error 


  1. This is pure genius!!!! May I repost it on mewe?

  2. Just posted. Hey, I'm going to a meeting this weekend
    called Resetting Your Life! How ironic!!!! I need a reset,
    you need a reset, all God's chilluns need a reset!!!! lol 😄

  3. You just got some wonderful compliments on mewe.
    Why don't you join us? They love your posts!

    1. Thank you both. I truly wish I could explain it. In a lot of ways I have. But in order for me to be direct I cannot be so exposed as I would be on the electronic ocean. But trust me I have answered this question cryptically. I guess in a lot of ways I always will. Waiting for that bright star to notice and understand. Meanwhile entertaining anybody else who has a notion to be entertained. LOL

  4. I absolutely love this!!! Now that's creativity and truth all rolled into one big... what the heck happened to my life! I can definitely identify with this.

    1. LOL it's nice to know I'm not the only one with an unbootable system! LOL


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