They like me! Oh no, they like me....

I'm a Hero!

Believe it or not I'm a Hero!
You wouldn't know it by looking at me. You wouldn't know it by talking to me. You wouldn't know it by the way people react to me. But they tell me I'm a Hero!

I'm a truck driver. I've been labeled essential. I even have a letter from my company for the police to show that I'm essential. I've watched the news and reports on the different media outlets. Right beneath Police, Medical, and First Responders. I'm a Hero!

One day I was sad and hurt. Then the next day I received the letter I'm essential, I'm a Hero! I went from zero to leaping tall buildings in a single bound. Receiving the adulation of the crowd. From sleeping in the emotional and spiritual gutter. To dining on love and support from total strangers. From troll to Avenger, I'm a Hero!

Mild mannered I go about my day but beneath the facade lies the heart and the strength of a lion! Looking for wrongs to undo. Searching for injustice to set right. Desperately seeking to champion the weak, the forgotten, the neglected. I am their champion! I will set things right. I will bring light to the darkness. Unquestionable righteousness. Unstoppable morality. I am quite the sight to see. I remember seeing children play in the park. I will make this for all children. I remember lovers walking hand-in-hand safe In each others presence. I will make this for all lovers. I remember families coming together and rejoicing. I will make this for all families. There will be no rest for the wicked. There will be no pit stops for the perverted. For I will be the light in the dark. I will be the truth bringer. The oath keeper. The righteous hand of God! I'm a Hero!

Brother can you spare a dime? Can you spare a dime for a poor hero who's down on his luck? You know how it is. One minute you're up there flying in the clouds. The next minute you're in the gutter wondering where the time went. I know I don't look much the part anymore. I had to sell my cape last week for a place the sleep. Lois left me for some new and shiny do gooder. I always thought I was there to catch her when she fell. I never thought who would catch me when she fell away from me. Times are so rough even my super dog won't sniff me. I mean, I still hear the screens and the pleas for help. But I'm just not much the hero I used to be. They say the people never turn against you. But they do. Can you spare anything? I'm down now, but I won't be down always. Who knows. One day a hero might try to fly in and save me. Imagine that? Hey guy thanks for coming to save me! You may not know this but, I'm a Hero!

I'm no hero. I'm just a guy who thinks too much. No, not much a hero. Besides I've seen what they do to heroes in this world. I'm a work-a-day guy. Doing what I can do to get by day by day. I've seen the best and worst that mankind has to offer. I often wonder and check my beliefs at the door. Only to come back to the same thing again and again. The same questions. What is love truly about? What is the value of friendship? What is righteous and what is sin? But even while questioning I never deviate from what my gut tells me. Love is infinite, deep, and perminent. The value of friendship is priceless. And sin, sin is what the righteous fight against. Without fear, without pretense, even if it's against yourself. Who knows, maybe in some way it's true. Maybe in some way, I'm a Hero!


  1. Lol...In some ways you are a wonderful Hero 😉

  2. Hey Hero!!! I hear ya!!! good points, all

    1. Well well well. glad to see you back. As you can see I've been quite busy. Thank you

    2. me, too! busy not writing, not reading, not sleeping, not eating,
      not going outside, not shopping..............ecetera ecetera ecetera......
      don't think I passed away but can't be sure and how are you, my fine feathered
      friend??? and also....(what is a fine feathered friend, btw???) Are you as stir-crazy as I???

    3. Lol nope. I've been busy working . LOL I'm essential

    4. To be "Fine Feathered" is to be "Tard and" LOL


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