Alright!, you poetry soldiers listen up!
Original post 6/1/17
Alright!, you poetry soldiers listen up! Hickory Dickory Dock what you guys are writing is slop! I'm here to say, this starts today. This kind of stuff, it will stop.
You know that old lady who lived in a shoe? She had so many poems she didn't know what to do? Well that was my grandma and she writes better than you!
You Soldiers know the man from Nantucket he wrote for a year with his head in a bucket. Well I just heard from him he said suck it!!
Rub-a-Dub-Dub write it tight or my tub you will scrub. One potato, two potato, you better write some more, three potato four let's do some push ups, Hit the Floor!
Around the world in 80 days. The way you write you won't get paid. Come on, count'em out! One, two, three, four, your pen should never touch the floor!
Now when I tell you to get up I want to hear a poetic deep and meaningful HOORAH!!!! Now pick up your thesauruses and get your camouflaged overly sensitive poet butts in line.
I don't want catch phrases, memes or any Chicken Soup for the Soul. I want to see meaningful, it better make me think, laugh, or cry. Or I'll know the reason why.
Now for All You Soldiers who found a giggle, you're dismissed Fallout!, go wiggle. But for you few too mad to do. Let's go for a run till you get a clue.
I don't know but I've been told. Poetry is get'n old! I don't know but it's been said write some down before your bed!
Lol... wise advice Sargent Ray 🌞