Will you tell me!?
I've always wanted to know. But no one would ever tell me. Will you tell me? Will you, over there tell me? Perhaps you in the corner? As I thought, no one will tell me. There is no help. I continue to quest and seek on my own.
I've been many places. I've listened to wisemen and an even higher number of fools. I've consulted the mystics and shamans of other lands. I've spoken at length with the wisest of wise owls. And still I've been brought no closer on my quest. For if life is a game then I am surely losing. I have passed up many an opportunity to rest. So now I find myself with no pillow for my head.
I've come across those who thought they had the answer. That is until, it came time to prove the knowledge. And every last one of them have been found wanting. So here I sit on this desolate plateau. I have no answers. I have grown many questions. But never the answer that I started out to find. If I hung my hat on anything, it would've been, hope. I find now my hat and my hook lost to me.
Family and friends left long ago. But I pushed on. I had to know. I had to stand among those who persevered, who succeeded. Where are they now? Where they ever? What a fools errand I have set my travels upon. But why not? If it is for me to be the biggest fool, why not be on the biggest errand? When started, I thought myself a wise man in search of a treasured answer. A riddle more poignant than that of time itself. Only to find myself to be only an unwise fool in quest of a riddle with no answer.
What a beautiful day today. The sun through the clouds. What a beautiful warm and sunny day. How many days like this have I missed? How many chances to put down roots have I passed up in my ill-fated quest? What a beautiful day, with a beautiful breeze. What a beautiful place to stop and rest. What a wonderful place to lay a quest to rest. I think I shall....
I will stop here. But I will give this audience and this universe one last plea. What is the answer? Will you tell me? Will the gods tell me? Will the universe that cradles my existence and spawns all that is and will ever be tell me?!
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop?!?!
In a totally unrelated statement I was thinking today. And a very simple fact came to mind brighter than some of the other chaotic things that flow through my gray matter from time to time. And it occurred to me that regardless of what people preachers politicians say that this tidbit is true.
"Winning has very little to do with right or wrong. And more to do with only the fact of winning."
Some of you will ponder this and think twice before puffing up your chest when you win.
Some of you aren't that bright and will go out and buy a Tootsie Roll pop to start counting licks.
Just food for thought no real point....
I gave up lol I just eat them 😋 😅
ReplyDeleteTootsie Rolls Pops notwithstanding, All questions will be answered
ReplyDelete30 seconds Before and 30 seconds After you die. You can take that to the bank!
(You can take that to the bank and they will call the Swat Team with the big swatter)
Nevertheless, I know this to be true for I died once but when I requested to be sent
back, they erased my memory so I only know I received the answers, I just don't
remember what they were.... lol