They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Sacred Order of the Cup : quick notes

By the Sacred Order of the Cup. Those without membership sit down and shut up. 

The great gods of Chi have opened my eyes.

Now I see. Now I see. 

Moon glow. Sun shine. My dreams like food I dine.

Free spirit, spirit free. 

Drone flyer. Go soar, go higher. Or crash, on funeral pyre.

Props bend. Batteries tire 

Why did the gods of Chi require me to write? No real reason, just rhymes I can't fight.

Father's Day cup. Given for love. Given for luck. Because her girl cooties ran amuck!


I do so love me some Chi Tea! Meeting adjourned........ 


  1. Adorable!!!! evidently the tea was spiked when you brain doodled

    1. With hooded robe pulled over the head.

      There shall be no testifying as to the moments of the sacred meetings of the cup!

      Translation: I'm not gonna tell! So there! 😜ðŸĪŠðŸ˜

    2. oh, My Liege, I saweth thee when thou were in thy cups, believeth me!
      It was a mess! Empty Pringles cans and bubble gum wrappers and busted tea bags all over the place! The Royal Jukebox was playing chants and hits from the 4th century... the lyre and harpsicord song is still making my ears bleed. Oh, I saw, yay and recorded the whole meeting on my ancient recording device. (otherwise known as a Parrot) It will be posted to You Tube as soon as I get it edited below an R rating. (Or not, if thou payest me three chests of gold and a prepaid Visa card with no limit ) lol lol Now I must away!!!!


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