They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Triton and a Ronin's loss


In this documentary of Triton, largest  moon of Neptune I found out that they discovered it was most likely captured by Neptune.

They surmised that it had a companion. And when Neptune captured it, it threw it's companion out of the Solar System to wander in darkness alone.

The fact that one day even Triton will be destroyed by Neptune. It's inevitable. And quite sad. One to wander alone in the cold void. The other to be ripped apart by an attraction that is fatal in the long run.

The way they figured this out was eloquent, but the math never lies. And no matter how you feel, facts are facts. And the truth always lies in front of your eyes.

I know people in the gravitational pull of insanity, depravity, debauchery. Of a woman who got in the grip of wanting a bad boy. Of one who got in the grip of wanting the bad boy life. Of one who'd gotten in the grip of wanting an incestuous life. One stuck in the grip of a  misandrist life. An hypergamy life.

I've seen them. I've known them. And I've watched some already be destroyed as others await the inevitable. And just like Trident their companion was ejected to travel the void alone in the cold. Surely something would attract it. After all it was attracted to its companion until it was ejected. It never had a name, I call it Ronin.

Even down on this planet we repeat the dance of the Solar System and by relation the Universe. Nothing moves without relation to something else and nothing stands still. Nothing of beauty exists without a very harsh beginning. With gravitational balance, delicate and always at threat to destabilization and decay.

Ronin knows it's Christmas. Ronin remembers. Ronin knows that there are more than one of him. Traveling at this time. Alone, cold, in the void. Celestial mechanics means it can be no other way. Not even down on the planet. Many Ronin's, many solar systems, many galaxies. All alone cold in the void.

So I now know of another older brother who travels alone. Ejected from your companion.
Merry Christmas brother. Merry Christmas.

We know all too well nothing stands still and everything moves. For I too am Ronin who travels the void alone.

My God, the pain of the cold. 
Merry Christmas brother. 
I know you will feel it more and longer than I. And I can not take what I feel much longer.


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