This piece was first written back in the days of Google plus. How far back I'm not really sure. I neglected to write down the date. It was written as a challenge to the other members of the poetry group that I was in. I offered a challenge to the writers to write a superhero themed poem.
And of course not being one who would challenge without being able these were few of my examples. Why now you ask? One of my fellow members from back in the day searched me out on YouTube. ( @Createdbysophistic8ed ) And in remembering her I remembered the challenge. Being the kind of person I am I had to look it up. And as a gift to anyone who finds meaning, put them up here again.
And if anyone is moved maybe I'll make you to pieces to go with them. It's what I do
The rise of the superhero movie. As we discover more things in our universe. It's easy to understand how humanity, the individual has started to feel left behind by the things that we discover. We all want to be a superhero. We all still want to be big enough to match the discoveries that we hear about every day. I wonder, can any of you write about that? Can any of you capture in poetry the spirit of wanting to be as big as discovery? A super-powered superhero?
Let's see shall we?
Here's an example I call it:
Dark Tempest
I rule the Tempest. I call the Four Winds. Though not to force violence against men. Not to bend them to justice. More often than not, I called the winds to help those in need.
But lately who calls the Four Winds to blow my fortunes? Who will Don the cape and avenge my villains? What signal do I call to the sky, to echo in the clouds? When I call Assemble!! who shall answer the call?
Though Tempest I am known. All but lately I am but a disenfranchised wind.
+SophiYah Yisrael wrote:
Hmm, I think I can probably do it. Just need some time and a piece of chocolate... In so many words, challenge accepted lol.
I submit to the court for which I am judge and jury that SophiYah is in breach of contract. As judge of the Court I invoke my right to modify the challenge.
The court now wishes to see the proposed Iron Man writeup. To set aside the sentence of 4 oz of ink from the poet's pen! ( ominous music playing. A scream from the gallery) No!, that is beyond harsh! Mercy! Someone cries out. Think of the children!
This is the decision of the Court. To be carried out in a timely manner. But in the honor of Justice I will allow any of you writers to commute her sentence by a write submission of your own.
The examples are posted. The commission is simple. The Marvel Universe is yours. Who will champion this young lady? Who will take up the call? Will you Unite? Will you Assemble?
Or will Darkseid claim her ink for his own? Shall we find Thanos playing finger paint in her ink with the Infinity glove?
Or at least get the lady a piece of chocolate, come on guys really. LOL

Who am I outside of this skin of iron? Before the mirror my iron mask and my face seem one and the same. Though walking tin man I be. Beneath my iron I bleed. Some would think me invincible behind my metal case. But I am long battleborn and worn. My iron avatar has long grown beyond me. It no longer amplifies my wishes. In its self-aware gestalt it distains me.
Jarvis rundown mechanical, biological status? Sir Mark XXV armor running at optimum efficiency. Arc Reactor fully charged and stable. Neural connections at 99.9% throughput.
And what of the biological? Ah, for that sir I hasten to report. Multiple lacerations. Considerable blood loss. Neural degradation across the spectrum. Anomalous readings in the central cortex. And your heart sir, it's failing.
Well isn't this just the Hallelujah a man wants to hear in the morning. Shall I call her, sir? No, she's the one who put me in this suit.
The riddle of iron. You may wear it. But before long it wears. Who am I outside of this skin of iron?
It is the Court's ruling that this be dedicated to +SophiYah Yisrael . There by commuting her sentence. You are there by with the Court's blessing, free to go.
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