They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Prepared to go down like Gentlemen

In honor of Bruce Newman
Our time on Google + is coming to an end. And like most things that seep out of the gray matter, this came to me so here it is:

And so it comes down to this. Still in keeping with my metaphor of American Gods, you truly are the god of rebels. 

I find my mouth open to speak at times and then closing abruptly as the words have already been spoken. Raising my finger to the sky in my best aha pose! Only to pause and say, what, wait a minute, he just, but I thought. Dammit! All the while learning that it's not enough to have the thought in agreement. But to understand why the thought was even thought to begin with. Much like recognizing a house verses knowing how it was built.

It's either that or just recognizing that old people just think more about things that other people don't bother to look at. Either way the god of rebels is still the god of rebels. In somebody's famous words "And now let our Rebels be joined!" "For it is surely the rebels who seek to knowledge out of complacency!" 

Okay so I'm the one who said it sue me! But as always in true American fashion I'd like to take this opportunity to blame Bruce (He touched me on my no no spot.). It's been an honor playing with you.....


  1. Replies
    1. That was one of the writing's I've done for my good friend Bruce. One of the few reasons I don't take the jump. LOL


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