They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Ten Little Ninjas

No intro... It should speak for it's self. But if it doesn't... ask yourself why. Then ask me.


  1. Wow! One of the best things I ever heard! May I share this????? hey if you set it to at least 350 wide when you post it on a blog the listeners can turn the volume up or down on the video. I found that out yrs ago and it makes for a better experience for the reader, etc. For instance if you're on a plane or somewhere in public and don't want the sound to come blasting out. This was just great. I'd love to hear it on the radio, dude!!!

    1. Thanks thanks and yes you can share it. lol

    2. People love it! I'd love to write something to turn into an Aachoo Voo theme song. That would be great! BTW: I just got inspired to create a new Aachoo Voo blog site! Been working on it for 3 days. I had to give up on the old one. check it out... Adieu, Voo


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