To deal with them is to court death at best. At worse it is to dance with insanity. For in death there is at least an end. Humans.... Even their name brings forth ominous vibrations in the mouth.
They recognize abilities, but do not draw them out to their final conclusions. They acknowledge shortcomings but do not acknowledge the mistake of using them in their assessments. They make great claim to bettering and growing. But make no real movements to the work of growth. In short, they want so much but do so little and complain so much.
To communicate you must forget everything you know. You must close your eyes to everything you see. You must not hear anything that is said. You must not understand anything that is understandable. And then you must always be wrong.
They will always say they understand what they clearly do not. They will never ask questions to understand without first taking offense to what they just asked for. They will take insults for what they themselves give as insults. They have no understanding of Honor but wear the word like a second skin. They will try your patience all the while never having any. They will seek to protect by being there own villains. They have the ability to forget at will anything they say, do, or think, that would lead them to an understanding and harmony. In fact, they are so oblivious to the act that I have taken to calling it Divine Amnesia. For it comes upon them so swiftly, so stealthily, that it is surely brought upon them by their deity. They will choir they're great virtues while simultaneously displaying none.

Revisionist, best describes there recounting of any history. In order to insulate themselves from any guilt or responsibility all actions are the fault of the other. The problem being is that the other is fluid. They are by nature and DNA, tribal. But all boast of nomadic. They do not need anyone or anything, they would say, just them and their God! But yet make laws that people do and think as they say.
They are the reigning species on this planet. Only because none of the other creatures of this planet understand them.
Understanding of them is a task left only to the Creator that none of them agree on.
One of their militaries has a saying. "Embrace the suck!" In all things no truer words have ever been spoken of the human race.
Not much in the way of poetry. But one of the voices in my head treated to sing show tunes if I didn't write it. His own little "I hate people manifesto."
Sorry in advance.........
who is this They you are referring to? I may have to read this several times to grasp what you are saying here. It's late and I haven't slept so forgive me. I'll get back to you on this one. There are several typos in this one, too that makes it hard to read. Sorry.....I know...
ReplyDeleteits your recognition voice thingie....haha and my brain has turned to mush. ttyl Voo
It is a report given by an inter Galactic traveler to the higher powers of the universe over the state of the silly humans that live on planet Earth. They are the they. And it should make perfectly good sense has the same premise as the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still