Let me get to the point
There are things in our DNA that even without explanation guide us. Our wants, our fears, our desires. Our simple biomechanics dictate the method in which we walk run and sleep.
Birds fly because they're built to. It's their simple biomechanics. They want to fly because it's in their DNA. The simple imprinting of Mother Nature. But man is unique in Supreme in the sense that he can override and preempt all of the Natural Things and follow his dreams. Fascinating
Man at his simplest is not nomadic. He can be if he wishes. He can be cruel if he desires. He can be foolish if he closes his eyes. This is what choice allows. The right and wrong of it I leave to you. But that is not my point.
I've heard it said that you should learn to live without anyone. By the same people who think we should be kinder to each other. What an ignorant theory of life. Someone who learns to be comfortable by himself has no reason to be kind to anyone else. Someone who seeks his self has no reason to lift up someone else. This is not to say put no time into knowing yourself. And being okay with your choices. But if your sole purpose is to please yourself at what point do you ever learn to give one iota of a concern for how your decisions affect others? After all you're okay with your decisions that didn't include anyone else.
There are exceptions and nuances to every statement and rule. And for those exceptions don't be ignorant, I'm not talkin about them. Perhaps you're one of the people who's so okay with yourself that what I say angers you. Or by the Blessed you're one of the people who only seeks to know yourself so you can be a better part of a group of your choosing. Either way peace be upon you. I envy you both. But that's not my point.
I dream the dream of life. Then I wake to death. My dreams are not reality. I cannot make my reality out of my dreams. But I have managed to make my reality a nightmare. Assertive control in one state is not always in one's hand. That is never to say that it is ever too late. And for those that advocate that it is always in one's power, try to be no more ignorant than you have to be in this lifetime. What is true for you is not true for all. But that is not my point.
Being smarter than the simplest minds does not make one better. I have forgotten how to enjoy the simple things of life. And no one smart enough to teach me can believe that I would forget. Playing in the mud, walking in the rain, marveling at a butterfly. The quantity of the simple joys has a quality of its very own. In the Valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is King! But truly not my point.
In the service I learned the K.I.S.S. principle. (Keep it simple stupid) Simpler, wiser words are really yet to be stated. A warning to all intellectuals everywhere. Disregard at your own risk. To quote a line from Katt Williams "Ain't nothing worse then a smart dumb Nigger!" OMG oh, did he just say what I think he said? Yes, yes I did. And even still not my point.

Okay what is my point you ask? Well it's this. I just ate what can conceivably be the worst meal I've had in memory. Not only was it bad it was only hot lava on the outside and refrigerated cold in the middle. It was the kind of meal that's so bad and shocking that you continue to eat it just because you doubt your DNA is telling the truth. And the instinctual biomechanic reflex to put the fork down is overridden due to your disbelief that such an advanced culture could still manage to produce such a god-awful recipe execution. A dish so bad that all at once you want to run away and be alone in a cave and cry but yet want to run out into a crowd and warn mankind of the coming of the end of times. A delicacy that is so indelicate as to make you ponder the logic and the meaning of the cosmos and the quantum mechanics of how the ingredients can go so wrong on the atomic level. All the while telling yourself that if you we're just a little bit less enlightened you would just put the fork down and walk away and be saved from a lifetime and an eternity of contemplation of such a nightmare and gastronomical debacle. And yet the folly of mankind precludes your ability to do such a simple feat. And that ladies and gentlemen and people who wish no gender identification is my point.
Now somebody give me a K.I.S.S.!
Birds fly because they're built to. It's their simple biomechanics. They want to fly because it's in their DNA. The simple imprinting of Mother Nature. But man is unique in Supreme in the sense that he can override and preempt all of the Natural Things and follow his dreams. Fascinating
Man at his simplest is not nomadic. He can be if he wishes. He can be cruel if he desires. He can be foolish if he closes his eyes. This is what choice allows. The right and wrong of it I leave to you. But that is not my point.
I've heard it said that you should learn to live without anyone. By the same people who think we should be kinder to each other. What an ignorant theory of life. Someone who learns to be comfortable by himself has no reason to be kind to anyone else. Someone who seeks his self has no reason to lift up someone else. This is not to say put no time into knowing yourself. And being okay with your choices. But if your sole purpose is to please yourself at what point do you ever learn to give one iota of a concern for how your decisions affect others? After all you're okay with your decisions that didn't include anyone else.
There are exceptions and nuances to every statement and rule. And for those exceptions don't be ignorant, I'm not talkin about them. Perhaps you're one of the people who's so okay with yourself that what I say angers you. Or by the Blessed you're one of the people who only seeks to know yourself so you can be a better part of a group of your choosing. Either way peace be upon you. I envy you both. But that's not my point.
I dream the dream of life. Then I wake to death. My dreams are not reality. I cannot make my reality out of my dreams. But I have managed to make my reality a nightmare. Assertive control in one state is not always in one's hand. That is never to say that it is ever too late. And for those that advocate that it is always in one's power, try to be no more ignorant than you have to be in this lifetime. What is true for you is not true for all. But that is not my point.
Being smarter than the simplest minds does not make one better. I have forgotten how to enjoy the simple things of life. And no one smart enough to teach me can believe that I would forget. Playing in the mud, walking in the rain, marveling at a butterfly. The quantity of the simple joys has a quality of its very own. In the Valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is King! But truly not my point.
In the service I learned the K.I.S.S. principle. (Keep it simple stupid) Simpler, wiser words are really yet to be stated. A warning to all intellectuals everywhere. Disregard at your own risk. To quote a line from Katt Williams "Ain't nothing worse then a smart dumb Nigger!" OMG oh, did he just say what I think he said? Yes, yes I did. And even still not my point.
Okay what is my point you ask? Well it's this. I just ate what can conceivably be the worst meal I've had in memory. Not only was it bad it was only hot lava on the outside and refrigerated cold in the middle. It was the kind of meal that's so bad and shocking that you continue to eat it just because you doubt your DNA is telling the truth. And the instinctual biomechanic reflex to put the fork down is overridden due to your disbelief that such an advanced culture could still manage to produce such a god-awful recipe execution. A dish so bad that all at once you want to run away and be alone in a cave and cry but yet want to run out into a crowd and warn mankind of the coming of the end of times. A delicacy that is so indelicate as to make you ponder the logic and the meaning of the cosmos and the quantum mechanics of how the ingredients can go so wrong on the atomic level. All the while telling yourself that if you we're just a little bit less enlightened you would just put the fork down and walk away and be saved from a lifetime and an eternity of contemplation of such a nightmare and gastronomical debacle. And yet the folly of mankind precludes your ability to do such a simple feat. And that ladies and gentlemen and people who wish no gender identification is my point.
Now somebody give me a K.I.S.S.!
Sometimes I out silly even myself.
Wow that was quite the monologue lead in to your regrettable dining experiance. Could you please do humanity a solid and inform the rest of us the exact name and place where you aquired said meal, there by saving the rest us from the same mental and physical damage that it caused you? Lol
ReplyDeleteLOL that would be the TA truck stop in Albuquerque New Mexico and their dreaded baked ziti. LOL
DeleteAhh...life 😘
ReplyDeleteJames ,
ReplyDeleteI had read almost two thirds of this post, my thoughts being emotionally charged by some of the inflammatory rhetoric you so cleverly positioned in your stanzas.
Then the truth of what I was reading hit me like the startling chaos of a morning wake up call in basic training. I have been here before!
After laughing my ass off all I can say is "quit eating bad food my brother"
LOL more proof that God doesn't love me. After finally working up the nerve and getting together a plan to raid your kitchen. He sits me here more than a thousand miles away on a dedicated route anchored to bad food. Held in place buy a huge profit margin! He doesn't like me but he doesn't want me to be poor either.
Deleteoh, my goodness, you are a MESS!!!! You had me going with all your....but that's not my point teasing and just like I do in most of my writes..........here comes the twist...........
ReplyDeletebaked ziti!!! plunged straight into my unsuspecting heart!!! Oh, the horror.......the horror... oh, man, I am loving your Robin Williams/ Steve Martin/ VooVoo mind at work here. I don't remember enjoying anything as much in a long long time............you are a JOY.
I must say I have extremely enjoy your reactions. I Can Only Imagine how cheerful it would make me feel if I was there to see it. LOL thank you.
DeleteI was all in, then...Baked ziti?? Really?? Lol😊
ReplyDeleteLOL ha ha ha