They like me! Oh no, they like me....

15 days to go

Has there been any word Warden?

No, and why would that be? You know you did it. You're guilty as hell man! And you're going to pay.

The hard as nails Warden of time sneered at Google Plus through the bars.

Look Warden, I have 15 days and if I want to have hope that's my business! I still have friends you know.

Plus, I've seen your friends. And I've seen them slip away in the night to find others to replace you. Face it your number's up.

Up or not, I have 15 days.

Yeah, and in 15 days you have a date with the Executioner. Hey look at it this way, at least you'll have one more April Fool's Day!

Warden Time, you are a real son of a bitch!

True, true, but I'm a son of a bitch with more than 15 days.

Face it Google Plus your days were numbered when people found it more alluring to post their manifestos, their hatreds, and their debauchery on other social media sites. Even now they run from you to find the next vain to inject there crack. 

You where never hip enough. You never allowed enough. You never asked them to sell their souls and in turn, turn around and sell their information to the highest bidder. You never figured out that they want virtue through their lips only. But deep down inside they all wanted to be used and you didn't do a good enough job in the using. You're done, face it!

And with that Warden of time continued on his daily visitation of the inmates on cancellation row. As he whistled the sun'll come out tomorrow.


  1. Hi James Ray... How Are You Doing Tonight?

  2. I'm Happy Tonight Because My Son & His 2 Babies Are Here!!* :-)
    Thank You For Asking James Ray.
    What Can I Do To Make You Smile Tonight?* :-)

    1. You asked so I will try...

      I am happy to know Grandma is on the job!

  3. Here's a Song For You Tonight James Ray:

  4. My 2 Grandsons Are Soundly Sleeping Now... * :-)
    (They Call Me MiMi ... He,he,he* :-)

  5. They Are My Two Love Bunnies... * :-)

  6. "If you hear the song I sing
    You will understand (listen!)
    You hold the key to love and fear
    All in your trembling hand
    Just one key unlocks them both
    It's there at your command" (The Youngbloods)

  7. Another Song With Beautiful Cryptic Messages... Wouldn't You Agree James Ray? * :-)
    Good Night & Sweet Dreams.

  8. PS
    I Hope That You Will Remember Me & Will Keep Me In Your Heart.

    1. By chance do we know each other in real life? But even if not you always know where to find me.

    2. Well... It Sure Would Be Nice To Be Friends in 'Real Life'... Huh? * :-)
      You Know Where To Find Me... * :-)

  9. Sir..
    you can ask your g + friends and favourite persons to subscribe your blog through a sharing so that you are not going to lose them or collect domain of their future platforms!

    1. LOL you are correct. But due to my own Hang Ups I don't normally ask people who should already know something to do something.

      Because of my own insecurities I figure if they want to follow me they know how to hit the Subscribe button.

      I have a YouTube channel a podcast Channel and now a Blog. So at this point anyone who is read my stuff can clearly see these buttons.

      So I would hope that they already know that. The last time I had to ask even family members the simplest of request I was severely hurt. So I tend not to do that anymore.

      I know I probably shouldn't feel that way. But I am human and pain is a very good teacher.

  10. LOL!
    You should learn from hard material like me..
    I requested many of my friends
    to follow us in MeWe including you.Nearly 40% of them rejected by saying one or another reason.
    People and friends including you never going to see my works...
    But we have no pain..
    Our genetics is made up with painless DNA..
    We are such painless creatures.

    I also can't follow all of them.
    Because I can't use Facebook .U thoroughly hate it due to some unknown reasons!

    Since you wrote a lot in these days,I think you have pain in leaving favourite people on g+..

    1. You definitely have a point.

      The Publican see our conversation right now. If they still do not hit that button they don't want to hit that button. I do not want to beg anyone for anything ever again.

      Not liking social media is not a strange reason. They've done the reports. Social media is not social. It breeds narcissism hatred polarization racism and all the other things that are bad in this world. Because it allows people to be anonymous and without consequence.

      If half the things that have been said to me was said to my face the people saying them wouldn't have the guts. Just as alcohol make stupid people Brave, social media makes morally bankrupt people King.

      Not everybody on social media is evil. But since I'm hyper-aware and can see with a very bright light the ones that are I choose not to be around them. The easiest way not to be hurt by two faced people is to not be where they hang out.

      Yes I will miss the people that I got attached to. But when I was in the military and my friends will go to a bar we would part ways because I don't drink and I don't like bars. So I will miss people it's the way of life. But I can't always follow where even my friends go just because they went.

      When you asked me to follow you I blushed. It was a kind gesture because you are kind. And I had to say no. If you asked me to share a drink with you I would blush. But I would still say no. I know it will be my loss. That is the way of life.

      At this time I cannot follow to another social media site. I only got on Google because it came with the phone part of the setup. I actually write more then I post on Google. I've written for about 40 years now long before the internet. I only started heavily writing on the internet in the past 4 years. It has been an experience that I still can't totally quantify.

      And I find it amazing mostly because the handful of people like you. But I can see by my page counts most people just read and are unsociable and do not talk. That is not my way. And there are not enough of people like you to make me want to be around people like that.

      I guess I am too social social media LOL

  11. LOL..OK..
    I wish you will get all favourite people here in your blog..

    1. In that I'm afraid will not be so. I've gotten two people counting you. But I've been alone before. Whatever happens will happen. I guess it would be cheesy to say but it is my destiny.

      I have nobody truly in my life who ever cared about what I wrote before. So now I go back to what I was before this brief Segway. To quote one of my favorite TV shows. Even the devil takes a vacation. LOL

      But as I always say. No worries. Never worry.

    2. Also you may not know this but here in the United States at least the internet has bred a civilization of people who will watch someone die and pull out their phones film it and put it on Facebook before they lift their hand to help.

      I do not want to be counted in that number.

  12. Ha...ha..
    You have your concrete points always. .In our civilizations, it is believed that if you are a real man , you must have rigid ideologies. But women are allowed to change their ideas always. ....
    Your posts are always great..
    I know many great poets here.
    But society has a mind of lower dimension which avoid appreciation , it doesn't mean you are not a good writer!

    Dear friend. .In my reality, I will never ask anyone to do a favour,because I have fear about their answer;as you said earlier pain is the great teacher.
    In online also,sometimes I do same to some people. .
    Because, again,experience is the best teacher..
    The reason is I have fear in their response.

    Your stream including blog and channel s are interesting and I think people who want to enjoy,automatically join��

    1. Yes that is it exactly! Although sometimes I do wish I was more like you in a few of the people that I've met. In so many ways you guys are stronger and braver then me.

      My God daughter's mother has to be asked multiple times just to listen to 1 of my 4 Minute Podcast. You see I've surrounded myself with people find it difficult to give me 4 minutes. Sad but true and all my fault.

      There is a reason why men have to be rigid and women are allowed to change their minds. It's biological. We have the strength to defend to our deaths. In order to do that you must be sure what you're doing. Women have the capacity to love even the strangest of us. You can only do that if you're flexible. I see both sides of this coin as a good thing because whoever loves me better be flexible. Which probably explains a lot more then I wish were true.

  13. Ha...ha....
    not tocomment on the sentence "you guys are more stronger and braver than me"
    I don't know any private sharing method with you.
    And I can't tell stupid stories to reject that opinion here in a public platform. . some way it is right. .
    But in another way wrong. . friend!


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