They like me! Oh no, they like me....

My Life for The Horde!

Some people live for the fame. Some for their selves. Some for no reason at all. What do I live my life for? My Life for The Horde!

Humans are puny. Their minds are too small to hold more then one thought. Their vision is narrow. And their loyalties are as fragile as their bodies. They can rarely be depend upon to keep even the simplest of promises.

Me and my brothers in the Horde know of one thing. The Horde is life. But we can occupy ourselves with the many ways to live for the Horde. We stand for each other as long as we stand. We do not need to like each other. For as long as the Horde survives there is always time for your likes.

The humans change allegiances as the wind changes direction. Even to them their will power seems as fickle as a blizzard wind. Strong and driving but in all directions. They anchor to nothing stronger than public popularity.

In the Horde we love and strengthen the Horde. Our mates embody the Horde and all it stands for. Our unions mimic the strength of the Hordes commitment. Our children are the immortality of the Horde. We fight and strengthen the Horde. Even our deaths strengthens the Horde. When we are born our blood infuses and renews the Horde. In our deaths we make room for the new. In our battles we clear space. Our faith is in our brothers and our brothers are our faith.

What could the fickle humans have to offer us? There is no word in our language for divorce, indecision, betrayal, or any of the other ways they choose to turn on each other. No, the humans ways are foul and diseased. Their word is as corrupt as their morality. Which changes faster than the seasons. You can watch them as they run from one tiny tribe to another. Their leaders are treacherous to their own. And their own follow them even when their treachery be known. They rip at each other's throats even while their walls burn down around them and their children and their mates. Look, how even now they fight to decide whose words decide what their words mean! While they're very house burns down around their ears.

The women don't fight for the tribe. They fight for a transgression older than their ancestors. Their men fight to be men. Their children haven't decided on either. And when their faith fails them they change it.

They preach, my life for gold. My life for riches. My life for women. My life for power. Puny things, for puny minds of a puny people. Otherwise they would know.

My Life for The Horde!

My brothers, let us not dirty our hands on these. They will bring ruin to themselves in time enough for the Horde to take their house.

My Tribe of men now long gone. Remembered only to the wind. And that wind blows nothing but dust in its retelling.


  1. You should be a Hollywood screenwriter!

    1. Maybe, but I still have to work on my pointless car chases and gratuitous sex scenes. LOL


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