They like me! Oh no, they like me....

My Life

I can't believe I have to say this. I can't believe it needs to be said. Everyone in life is not meant to be in your life. Regardless of desire connection is not to be forced. Friendship is not mandatory. And enemies are unavoidable.

Regardless of one's religious fervor. Unbenounced to ones best intentions. Sometimes the best discretion is regression. If forcing your way in is the only way in then it is time to get out.

I tell people part of being a good analyst is the ability to play things out to that final conclusion. If you are annoying someone on their turf the final outcome is rarely friendship. Regardless of your intentions you will not make a friend you will make an enemy. If that's your choice Soldier on you're a fool. If you're trying to teach a lesson to someone smarter than you you will receive the same outcome. With the added bonus being a foolish enemy. Again if that's the game plan Soldier on foolish Soldier.

One can trust that I will rearly follow a foolish person into a foolish situation. Although no one's perfect it's just not likely. I have a high aptitude in Analytics. And barring any blindsides I am very good at reasoning things out to their final conclusion.

I was listening to this song and found it very appropriate. Not to mention catchy. Billy Joel is a great talent.

And if that was too complicated and coded I guess I'll say this straight out.

If you think I don't like you you're probably right. It will do you no good to push any further. I am smarter than you. You will not teach me a lesson. This conflict is lost to you. Let it go find someone else to annoy and work on that.


  1. I cant help but say ouch and laugh lol

    1. IKR But if this is ether of the people I think nether will stop. They are truly lost to the void

  2. avoided all anonymous including me.I can't comment here without mail id..

    1. I am very sorry. I had a feeling that would be the effect. This is why I don't go on social media. This was only one of the malcontents that call that place home. It had to be done because I don't have the time nor Spirit to deal with someone short of Mind and Spirit. But I see you managed to get through and for that I am thankful.

  3. Hi my friend. ...
    I know the reason why you avoid social media.If anyone try to create you same problems here,you must try to avoid them.

    But psychologically anonymity is of two types.One is social phobic and other is social harassing.
    I publicaly agree,I face the first one.
    I remember 2004 nobel prize winner in Literature Elinek was such a person,refuse to face award saying the reason of social phobia. First Indian space traveller Rakesh Sharma was another great example. All eminent journalists tried maximum to get his interview.
    Only few of them won in that task.
    Psychologically social phobia has less relation with the word 'fear' and more relation with the word'hate'....persons keep themselves in their own sanctuaries just because of attitude against social disturbances.
    I try to keep this method just to avoid my body and soul from pain..
    But even then I had called some of my best online friends directly from phone.

    But I know the second kind of anonymity is based on social harassment that has got a huge approval in social media.

    1. When I look at someone's video or read a poem If I don't intend on announcing myself I just read it and get what I get understand what I understand and go my own way. Even if I have something to say I first ask myself does this person want to hear it. Can I even articulate it well enough so that they don't feel offended. And if I can't do any of those things I don't say anything. I damn sure don't quote and ask personal questions while I'm too scared to admit who I am.

      This person has done all these things but will claim Christianity. To me this is the worst kind of Christian because they're not Christian. This kind of person embodies everything I hate about organized religion. They only read the parts of the Bible that support their evil. And then they feel justified and cloaked in anything they say or do.

      Some people have reasons as you cited for being anonymous. These are not the kind of people I'm talking about. I think I know who this Anonymous person is. And they are truly sick. I can't hate them because I know they're sick. But I am way past tired of them. A sickness can only get you so far then you have to do something about it. And if an evil person is sick you must remember their still evil to begin with.

      This person has proven as much. I'm very sorry that it had to affect other people.

      I just find it very hard to be part of social media but yet hate the people who cling to it. I know some people aren't that way. But this is my own little personal boycott. LOL

      My desire to post anything is measured on a day-by-day case-by-case basis. Kind of like here today gone tomorrow. I'm glad I still have you around. If you speak to Tina tell her I said hi

  4. LOL...I know you are tired of many people; that's what I Understand from your post.
    simple.. let it go in its way.
    Let it go yheir way.

    I am sad to know that you can't connect old friends ..
    Last 5th was Little G's birthday.
    I think your's on coming 21st.
    Donato's over.
    I keep touch with many of them in our new platform. I can tell them.
    Stay blessed dear friend!


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