They like me! Oh no, they like me....


Broken shattered on the ground.
Reassembled but the pieces don't fit.

Celebration unscheduled.
Occasion unidentified not found.

Death not answer enough.
An easy way out but not an end.

Pain exquisitely sweet.
In darkness even sorrow is a bright light.

A curse between us.
No road meant to travel alone.

Loyalty without commitment.
Vows made with backs turned.

Words spoken but never heard.
Lips without form language not known.

Gifted heart.
Disregarded trash.

In isolation.
Suffocation on an airless lovers Moon.

Loving warmth.
A day's torture in Hell remembering. 

Ah, these are a few of my favorite things....


  1. lol James, you are a trip!!!! so, do you still hate my guts????
    Wanna call a truce and go back to being buddies??? I miss interacting
    with you on a goofy can be extremely funny when you're
    not down in the dumps. I promise to keep it on a platonic,non-philosophical basis,
    purely insignificant and shallow as heck. Nothing serious or motivational.
    What do you say?? Voo your potential once upon a time partner-in-crime

    1. I would never say that I hate your guts. And I'm not at war with you so there's no need of a truce. You are Voo, that's you. I am Ray, that's as much as I can say.

      As for down in the dumps, that's just what the heart pumps

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was being "tongue in cheekish" just joking. I never hated you but it
    felt like you hated me and I couldn't understand why but that's in the past.
    So, what do you say? Is your answer "that's as much as I can say?" which
    is no answer at all or is your answer, "Get lost, Aachoo Voo! I don't have
    no room in my life for a ditsy dame like you!! I got trucks to drive and
    bad food to eat and write about and a thousand subjects to give my opinion
    on and I don't got no time for you and your feminine foolishness, see?
    So scram!" In which case I shall scram but I thought I'd at least raise the
    white flag and give it a try. I don't enjoy people having ill will or bad
    feelings against me in this world. I'm all about Peace, Love and Understanding
    and being friendly and making people smile. I'd like to make you smile if
    you'd let me. Ciao, mi amigo Jaime! Buenos Dias.......

    1. LOL I got the tongue in cheek. As for what you think I feel that was always the problem you never asked. You just assumed. And even when I told you to ask you didn't and you ran with your assumption. It left me with the distinct feeling that my input was not required.

      Even now you have my email address and you made this enquiry public. Sayana doesn't have my email address. She talks to me the only way she can. I would imagine if she had a choice... After all we had private discussions long ones as a matter of fact when Google Plus was still up.

      It would take more than what has passed between us for me to tell you to go away or scram as you put it.

      "All that I can say." Rhymes with the word Ray nothing more... or is it? Circles within circles meanings within meanings Cipher

    2. I actually do not have your email. It was on a laptop that got fried so I lost a lot of stuff. And I never assumed anything. I took what you said at face value and
      actually asked you several questions over and over that you did not answer but let's forget all that, shall we? I am in a happy place and I want to stay there..
      Let's have fun, ok?

    3. How did you send an email. pray tell? To gmail? I don't use yahoo anymore.

    4. It was sent the only way I knew how on the address that you gave. Sorry that you missed it


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