They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Accept as Normal

It's fascinating the things that we will accept as normal. What we see as success. The crimes we will overlook to prosecute the ones we want to. Our cries for sanity while our own insanity is in full display.

Sleepless nights in empty rooms. Fascinating how we can dream up reasons. Relentless in how we are proven wrong. Amazing how the right can be a painful wrong. And how the wrong can be an empty victory. How none of it makes a difference but yet a choice still must be made.

Tricks of the light are the definitions of day. The night is the true master. And peace can only be found in numbers greater than one. The day is for the living, but the living cannot see what I see. The night is for the dead and I can never escape what I've seen. 

Soulful, night visions of the stars in the sky. But the true vision are the stars in my soul. Each twinkling, representing a life that I know. Each further away than the closest of the stars in the night sky. Yet I remain unseen a burning black star.

Sad, the way the loudest voice makes the least noise. What would happen if they heard? What difference would it make? Who would then travel a different path? Wouldn't it be worth silence to make them listen? More likely to cause silence if they heard.

Understand that to preach peace I'd have to live a lie. But live in peace I'd only have to love a liar. To love a liar I have only but to go to war with myself. Where I'd lose and lose my love and contaminate my peace.

I yearn to tell my secrets. Yet my secrets fight to remain secret. The funniest of ironies is that my biggest secret is that I have none. Everything told while you weren't listening. The Epiphany being the amount you don't know when you don't care. And just how much you secretly don't care.

Isn't it so fascinating the things we accept as normal.


  1. perfect way of writing!😊

  2. Replies
    1. It has been rumored that I've been worse. But those were just rumors. Still hanging in there though. Thanks for asking. LOL and how about yourself?

  3. LOL..Don'tworry.Be there!
    I am fine.But sometimes mad.Sometimes normal.
    Sometimes calm and quiet.
    I ve a professional problem which may lead to job loss.
    So searching for another job for bread and butter aim.😊

    1. Well trucking everywhere is always looking for a few good men and women! Lol

  4. Ha...ha...but I heard recently,robots are going to take over all duties.

  5. To love a liar and loose your peace... isn't love when it's given freely worth the contamination of peace? I must be blind because I definitely think it's worth it, even if one must start again. I am very naive, but not jaded maybe that's the difference?

    1. LOL you are a little blind. Because you don't know the liar. You don't know the peace. So you could never understand the difference...

    2. I don't need to know. Art/poetry is subjective except to the artist/poet. Not wishing to be a voyeour, you posed the idea, now it's my question to ponder in any direction I wish. Thank you.

    3. You don't need to know. But it would be polite if you did. This is not a social media site.

      You yourself said you must be blind. I agree you are. And all I did was agree with you.

      Art and poetry tend to be left to the interpretation of those who read them and view them apart from the ones who write them and paint them.

      You're right, I posed the metaphysical ideal. And it is your question now to ponder in any direction you wish but I suspect I won't be saying thank you.

    4. Enternamente agradecida seΓ±or Ray.


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