They like me! Oh no, they like me....


Original post date 4/20/17

Maybe not really a poem but a poetic end. What would you call it? Would you sign it?

Looking down at the form the nurse gave me. Remembering I was told it will be used in case I become unresponsive.

I should go ahead and sign this DNR. I don't want to live like this. I don't want to be a drain on society. I don't want to be a burden to my family, to my children.

Yeah I should sign this DNR. I mean, I had my chance. Best to make room for those who have a better shot. 

I should just go ahead and sign the DNR. It's hard to accept. It's hard to come to grips with. It's over, just like that. But here's the DNR. One little signature. That's all it takes. 

One little signature.... They say acceptance is the final hurdle. I exhale, and with it all of my hope, all of my dreams, all of my will. I'm resigned, I sign the DNR. 

And with that the nurse takes it.
Thank you sir. Now get some rest we need to make you as comfortable as possible. Until the end. I'll go and file your DO NOT ROMANCE form. It's for the best....


  1. In an alternate universe, you never signed it!! Spiderman said so... lol

  2. lol!!!! brillint!!! You got me! haven't had internet access.
    How's it going in Big Rig City???? smile

    1. Welcome back. I was a little worried about you. There's been no movement even on your site. I'm fine.


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