They like me! Oh no, they like me....

The Play

Original post date 4/21/17


On the most hallowed stage that's never been seen the play reaches its Final Act. It's climax! The Pauper King speaks....

Seven tomorrow's ago I looked back on the future I held so dear. Now I know I'll never have another day as dark as my bright night. 

I have all the joy my despair can hold. Home is where the heart is. My mansion rests in the best vacant lot anyone could hope for. My faith and my soul sore the depths of a pit that knows no bottom. 

Yes, I have arrived, lost to my destiny. Yes, Marvel at what you should see so much shame in. I am the best loser you will ever meet. The envy that you feel will show you a new level of the pity that is surely my opus. 

I stand proudly, I made it! The Summit at the bottom of the hill. Do you not see the fine garment that I proudly wear in tatters about me? You must recognize perfect this face. Framed around the tear-streaked cheeks? Have I not achieved the greatness that we are all taught to run from in horror? 

I thought so. Leave me now, on my gilded treasure of a lead throne....

The stage is set, the lights come up, the curtain opens. Now the tragedy begins.


  1. Sadness feel I do upon this truth
    for it feels familiar too...😪

    1. 3 years ago to the date to still feel the same. To still be true to the play.

  2. not to be sacriigious.....but OMG!!!!! This is so good
    it took my breath away!!!! Absolutely STUNNING write
    (and yes, I am SHOUTING!) (though almost speechless)
    This is up there in the Top 5 most brilliantly best things I have
    EVER read!!!!! Award winning!!!! I could go on and on
    but I hardly know what to say. You know I don't flatter writers,
    I tell the truth.....but this.....this moved me so deeply I can't even
    begin to express my love for it. Bravo!!!! We have a WINNER!!!

  3. Seven tommorrows ago.......I will never forget that line....


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