They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Pre-Independence Day

In the bell of the cauldron of fear. This is where I find my country. I bare my pre-Independence Day! I cannot save the one. I cannot talk to the other. I am Independent.

As the history is burned around me and those who forget. All is twisted to fit the needs and the ends of those who seek power. The sheep go willingly to the battlements. The dullards go gleefully to where they're told to die upon the ground as they're ordered. And I? I am Independent.

I seek no quarter in this repetitive duel of power brokers. To the mindless of their servitude. To the ones truly unhappy until their lives are laid down in the third Act of the travesty of this reality. Follow me! I can show you where to spend your blood! I can tell you where to lay down. I can give you some worthless sentiments to pray to. I am pre-Independence for you're Independence Day!

I have surrendered more of my rest than you of your virtue. I have thought longer on a plan than you of your actions. It will never seem that I have gone as far as you. But your travels are nothing but Illusions and you have not gone anywhere. For your Masters have dictated that your travels are that of smoke and mirrors. And me? I am pre-Independence for your Independence Day!

There was a war that was fought. But it wasn't by you. You now fight the battles that the pawn brokers have arranged for their amusement. There was blood spilled to gain something. But you have torn down the statues that told the truth, and the lies. So now you have nothing! You now fight the battles that were scripted and filmed and orchestrated by the great Puppet Masters. Each one validated true by the puppet that they control. I have no strings, I am pre-Independence for your Independence Day!

Now you cry! Now you moan and hold yourself in the dark. Waiting for someone, your savior, some blessed holy man, some righteous politician to save you? Some marxist, socialist, politically correct, community leader, Republican, Democrat!? You will get what you deserve. You will all get what you deserve! Your empty love has now run the tank dry. Your half-hearted devotion has left the building empty. Your collective IQ has rendered the half-wit, genius! Then so be it! My Country Tis of Thee. I am pre-Independence for you're Independence Day!

It is now dawn and I still wait for the Chariot of rest to steady my soul and prepare me for the day of Independence. To prepare me for the site that I never thought I would see. My country in the bell of the cauldron of fear. With me Independent, on this pre-Independence Day!

Into the event horizon you have thrown your Independence! Your self-identity! Your rationale! You're very humanity and much like anything else put over the edge it will not be coming back. In the bell of the cauldron welcome to my reality. I am Independent on this pre-Independence Day.

I would say God save us. But he is beyond that now. God save me. Take me from here. Show me the place I dream of. Show me a place to fight for. Show me a people I can truly call my own and who will call me by my name. Amen


  1. Amen. God save the King.🙏🥳🎉

  2. Nonsensicle comment aside....As usual you make a great point to deliver a great point.

    The country IS burning and my only hope is that America rises up again like a Phoenix even greater than before. It will take a while for the fires to burn out and for people to collect themselves and remember where they are. BUT it will happen.

    I am not from this land and even though I call this home more than my birthplace, I have never really felt welcomed at America's celebration because I am an outsider and most Americans know it. I don't have the tshirt.

    This year for the first time. I'll wear the tshirt given to me by my son and his soon to be sacrifice of self to keep upholding the liberty we celebrate today. There is a huge sense of pride and belonging that comes to me from his actions.

    Besides, My shirt has a snoopy and you can't get more American than

    I thank you for your service Sargent Ray.

    God bless America. 🥳🎊🎉🎆🎇


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