Straight line journey
When I'm passed I'll be read. I'll be known. I'll be remembered to this time. A bungler, a thief, a warrior, a teacher, a poet, a restless soul, so much more and even a wise fool.
What time does one begin a soul walk? Where to go first? Valhalla, Shangrila, Heaven? My people have a saying, walk in a straight line. And all the places you are meant to be will be placed in front of you.
My right arm has held a shield, a Bible, and a text book. While my strong left arm has held a sword and a helping hand. Together they have held woman and man, baby and child. To my left and right there has been legion and dust.
Quantity has a quality of its own. I will journey this moment through its infinite possibilities. The hand of God on one shoulder. The hand of another on the other.
No more well known strangers. No more well rehearsed spontaneous words. Far too long the quick good byes. River cried of crocodile tears. Long ago gone my illusions. I am as real as it gets, now time for me to get.
The rhythm repeats and more is learned with every beat. It builds and builds and then fades and goes and goes. Is it any wonder why? In a straight line everywhere I was ever meant to be has always been right in front of me.
Into the gravity well I drop this rock. Its orbit forever changed exactly to where it always was. When I'm passed, I will be read. I will be whatever I am needed to be. In a straight line. In front of you.....
To this time sadness and it's kin have killed, infected, laid waste to more people, land, economies, than any other thing known to man. It has an infection rate of 100%. There has never been a cure, a vaccine, but there has always been a treatment. Randomly used, overpriced, withheld, ransomed, and lost.
And you people cower to something less deadly than the flu?! You all sicken me!
Of covied I am immune. To sadness I am very much high risk.
Sometimes... all you need is a peanut butter sandwich 🧡