They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Whatever happened to the "Ride or Die"?

 Whatever happened to the "Ride or Die?"


Don't "quote" me. 

I was coming up on a time of great turmoil. I was entering the trial of one of my greatest tests. 

"No man unto himself an island." 

I knew I would need help. But as is said, in my great hour of need help was in short supply and weakly blooded. 

"The need is great but the soul is weak." 

There was a time when there was a clan. But that time passed. Then there was the time of the village. That also passed. And so passed family, cities, governments, and churches. But the masses cried out!, we have the internet! 

"The thing about social media is, that it isn't." 

There came to this time of my need, the last of them. Surely come hell or high water he'd be there with fire extinguisher and raft. Brother in arms he looked to me, like the Gray wizard of middle Earth and said. 

"Look to my coming at first light on the 5th day. At dawn, look to the East!" 

For the first 2 days I fought my trial and held nothing back! 

"For the righteous fear not defeat!" 

On the 3rd day I held strong for my cause and brother where jus. Knowing that all the while when my right arm dropped, my brother would be there to complete the motion. 

"No weapon formed against me can prosper." 

On the 4th day my honor lit the way in my dark times. There was a calm in following the way. And the way was my strength. 

"Death is as light as a feather but duty is as heavy as a mountain." 

On the 5th day. Glory be to the heavens! Salvation cometh! On dawn comes my deliverance! Upon first light I stand not alone against my turmoil. My band of brothers. My Ride or Die will take this field! 

"You who have called forth the Thunder will now reap the World wind!" 

Looking to the East. I eye a dove. It appeared with message. Upon this sight even my demons took pause for the meaning of it all. All manner of Beast and man on the field was in hush....

I read the message..... 

"Dude I'm sorry. What had happened wuz..."  

I fight my battles alone. It's not a choice. It's not a wish. It's not from pride. 

"Whatever happened to Ride or Die?"


  1. I especially liked the phrase "my honor lit the way in my dark times..." The only person you can absolutely depend on is yourself. Many people cannot even depend on themselves because they are too easily influenced by outside stimulus. The word "my" is the key. If one doesn't develop himself, he can't help anyone else when times are tough.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and you are 100% correct.

    2. I guess I hoped, believed, and remembered different. LOL I guess I was being overly optimistic.


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