May the prompts preserve us
At a writers club meeting we got three prompts. I copy mine here for the people who aren't members. These are the kind of exercises that makes us all better writers and if nothing else allows us to share our imaginations with like-minded people. Or at least that's why I do it LOL
1. Write about the smartest most influential person to you that you've never met.
The Ambassador
When I meditate I always hear my mentor. He is everything I pictured. He embodies logic and reason and still yet very much human. He shows in his actions and manners that it is a constant battle. He shows me that the path to perfection is in the journey of the path. That may not necessarily reach the end of the path. And if you rush the path you lose the goal.
I have seen people debate that you cannot be logical and still be emotional. It's all in the mix. The greatest mind that I know, has lived this. Although he's never talked to me directly I've learned to use logic to observe and teach myself. He is without a doubt. The smartest most influential person I've never met. In the times where he was my only. I found him most human. In the times when I was indifferent he urged me to look further than the cold logic of reason. He was quite fond of pointing out that sometimes you can find a logical outcome to your emotions. Which is quite different than the straight logic of your situation.
People laugh when I talk about my mentor. They say how can you honestly look up to someone who's not even in your century? I always tell them. Logic and wisdom are not necessarily in the lips that speak. Nor in the people we seek. It's just not logical. There are too many pathways in the universe for anyone to think that one is sufficient to the whole. Likewise it is not logical to think the way works for everyone. So my inspiration will always be for me Ambassador Spock.
~~~~~~~~~2. Write about what you wish you could see again as though for the first time.
My soul
He touched my four head. Everything went dark. When I opened my eyes. I saw before me a strange almost malnourished girl before me. She had the oddest colored hazel eyes. Thin hair as though it would break off in the wind. But the biggest smile. In her look alone I could see that she knew me. By her look alone I did know her. Then she spoke. And before she could finish a sentence I knew the next sentence to come. She did the same for me as I spoke back. And then she looked directly at me and touched my hand, and said "Tell me a story." I cried. All I could say to her was:
Once upon a time there was a man. And he met his soul.
I blinked again and saw the Shaman. I had no words. He just nodded. He said yeah, it's like that for me. I was sent to you. Make of it as you will. But make something of it.....
3. Write about "Sometimes when your bridge is burning you can see the brightest light."
A vision of the Underverse
Do you remember the movie Riddick? Do you remember the Necromancers? Do you know how the Lord Marshall leader became? The very first Lord Marshall became that way from losing everything. Kind of like burning your bridge all at once. In the midst of the loss and the fire and the pain, he saw the light. For him the light was the Underverse.
You can get into the meaning of this. More than one person has. That's not important. What's important is to look for the bright. In that moment the ways will be open to you. Because when you're losing it all, are the moments that your mind has the ability to see a way through. If you give in to the fire you will surely burn. If you ignore the fire you will surely burn. But if you can embrace that your bridge is burning. Sometimes you can see the bright.
What the bright shows you no one can say. Some see the way out. Some see what comes next. Some see their lives flashed before their eyes. Which is typically a waste of time since you where already there once. That's how you ended up here with your bridge burning down. But some, a cherished few. See what the Lord Marshall saw. A new place, a new beginning, more importantly a way to get there! They are forever changed. They have new abilities. And sometimes they can lead others to what they've seen..........The Underverse
Good work, amigo. I Loved the second write.
ReplyDeleteThank you it hurt the most to write.