They like me! Oh no, they like me....

Captain on Deck

 Captain on Deck

Hey it was bound to happen sooner or later. I made a short story video! It took quit a lot to do, so please comment on it. I do know it's a little ruff, but it is my 1st... I think. Lol I do far too many vids!


  1. yeah, it was always bound to happen... but purty durned good fer a beginner...uh huh Watch out George Lucas! btw: I think you owe my sad lil blog some comments, don't you? Otherwise, I will never believe you have been there! I think I'll leave out a mousetrap or two......Snap!!! 😱😨🥸🤩🐭🤖🤭

    1. I sent an email. You may not like it. But remember I did send it with love


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